with four market stalls in the market hall of Portimão
fresh fruits and vegetables of the Algarve
Daily Fresh Herbs & Piri Piri
juicy wild berries, fresh strawberries or cherries depending on the season
popular mushrooms & fresh algae
the best Caldo Verde of the region, freshly cut, directly from the cabbage cutting machine, take a look at these stands to see if you discover the machine, the
stalls are right next to each other and opposite each other
Algarve oranges and citrus fruits from the neighborhood, a treat in winter
wonderful pickled olives in different variations, with garlic, herbs or lemon
António Pacheco, LDA.
Specialized in tuna, bream & barbel
this well-established family business of António and his son offer daily fresh fish from the Algarve coast
small but nice, that's António's motto
the two always offer one of the best tuna
a specialty are fresh eels, small or large, which always depends on the season
Red mullet is the gourmet fish, here you will occasionally find large specimens that are very easy to prepare
Red mullet are bone-heavy fish that are only worthwhile from a size of 20-30 centimeters, as the bones can then be easily found
in summer Antónios sardines are always the right size
Sardine time is June to September
Albino Santos e Filha
Specialized in catshark, rays & monkfish
Albino has been running its fish stand since 1984, with a small selection of special fish
its perfect and absolutely fresh offer is limited to, monkfish [Tamboril], rays [Raia], pork [Peixe de Porco] and catshark [Pata Rocha]
sovereign and with a great knowledge of these fish, Albino has been running his fish stand with his daughter in recent years.
take the time to stay with Albino for a few minutes and watch him at work
Albino has perfected skin peeling in catshark and pigfish
Catshark and pork must be offered to you skinless by the fishmonger
since you are not able to peel off this skin yourself, it is really difficult and only with the right tool
whether monkfish, catshark or rays, Albino gives you your fish ready to cook so that you can prepare it immediately
Maria Eugenio Pacheco
Specialized in spider fish & flying fish
Maria is the fillet queen of this market
She has been at the market for forty years with her husband at her side, offering her fish
Maria offers on request, almost 100% bones and scales free fish
Maria specializes in flying fish [Ruivo] and spider fish [Aranha], which are exceptional and highly sought after.
this small rustic and lovingly designed fish stand, hides again and again mysterious fish that you have not seen yet
Maria is always good for a tasty surprise
M.J.D. Macario, LDA
Specialized in octopus, mussels, scabbard fish, butt fish & big fish
a fishmonger family, for 50 years in the fourth generation
represented with two stalls in the Market Hall of Portimão
regularly and uniquely offers all three squid species
his butt fish such as sole, turbot or acevia are always fresh and really delicious
Miniature squid like lulinos are the specialty
again and again large caught sea bream, robal and redfish are on offer
ask for fillets for your fish, this is certainly possible
Paulo e Paula
Specialized in pork, bream, shrimp, mussels & squid
a family business in the third generation
with tradition and cohesion
Mother, daughter and grandchildren on their backs at daily work
here fresh mussels are offered daily, it's worth it
regional fine small prawns directly from the Algarve coast a specialty of this family
Paula regularly offers already prepared fillets of various fish
the pork fish [Peixe de Porco] can be found here completely without skin in the display
Robalo and sea bream friends get their money's worth here, Paula offers great specimens with a nice size directly from the Atlantic, on request Paula or her
daughter prepares the fish for you as a fillet
Pedro Omar
Specialized in sardines, tuna, bream, brackfish, rays & tuna
Pedro comes from a family of fishmongers and has had his own stall in the market hall of Portimão for several years.
its brackish fish come from the west coast near Sarges and are very good
the fillets Pedro cuts are perfect
in summer you can find the best and fattest sardines in the Algarve at Pedro
its sea bream and other bream, are always fresh and with a nice size
for a small talk and a fun Pedro is always available
Zona Bué
Specialized in swordfish, mussels, octopus, scabbardfish, barbel & bream
fishmonger for 23 years
known for its fresh selection of mussels
always offers special fish outside the normal offer
almost always has fresh swordfish fillet
depending on the season, he also offers small mini fish for frying
Red mullet always have a nice size with him and inspire gourmets again and again
Squid from small to large
Duarte de caldeirada
Specialized in pork, caldeirada, rays, catshark, moray eels & monkfish
young fishmonger family
compiles special blends for the caldeirada [traditional Portuguese fish soup]
perfectly prepares moray eels by Duarte expertly removing the back wheel of the moray eel with all bones, which is very important with this fish
pork and catshark pulls off the skin in training
on request, Duarte also offers fillets of fish
telephone orders are possible
Mittwoch bis Montag / Wednesday to Monday / Woensdag tot maandag /
Woensdag tot maandag / Du mercredi au lundi / miércoles a lunes
Restaurant & Take Away
12:00-15:00 h & 18:00-22:00 h
Dienstag geschlossen/ Closed on Tuesday/ Gesloten op dinsdag/
Fechado na terça-feira/Fermé le mardi/ Cerrado el martes
Kulinarium Restaurant
Rampa Senhora da Encarnação, n.º 11, Praia do Carvoeiro,
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